To the Members of Royal Air Forces Association Hartlepool Branch
Chair: Mr Steve Davis
Vice Chair: Mr Paul Rodway
Secretary: Mr Ian Fraser
Treasurer: Mr David Stacey
The other Branch Committee Members
Branch Welfare Mr David Stacey
Social Organiser Mrs Hazel Davis
Branch Standard Bearer Mr Dene Gillespie
Wings Appeal Organiser Mrs Hazel Davis
Publicity Mr Paul Rodway
Membership Mr Steve Davis
Without Portfolio Mr Ian Straughan
The Current branch officers Post for AGM 2025 are as follows
and the following members will remain in thier current posts but other Branch Members can be nominated for any of the the posts below
The Annual General Meeting will take place on the 10 February 2025
To the Members of Royal Air Forces Association Hartlepool Branch (“the Branch”)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN [in accordance with paragraph 14 of the Branch Terms of Reference] that the Annual General Meeting of the Branch will take place
ON 10 February 2025
AT 7:00 pm
AT Ye Olde Durhams Social Club. St Aiden’s Street, Hartlepool TS26 1SN
for the following purposes:-
1.To receive the report on the activities of the Branch for the past year.
2.To adopt the Trustees’ annual report and accounts and receive the independent examination report for the year ended 31 December [ ].
3.To elect Officers and Trustees to the Branch Committee .
4.To consider resolutions for submission to the Annual Conference Committee.
Only those Branch members present at the meeting are eligible to vote. However, a member who has not paid their membership subscription in the current year shall not be entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Branch in that year if their subscription is in arrears by more than one month unless payment of their subscription has been suspended, postponed or waived under Byelaw 7 (6).
13 November 2024
A nomination form can be recieved by contacting the Branch Secretary or downloaded from Links and download page. Completed forms must be returned to the Branch Secretary at least 7 days before the AGM to be included. Voting is by a ballot of the Members of the Branch present unless the position is unopposed in which case the person is elected automatically. In the event of a tied vote for an election to Office, the members are to be invited to vote again by secret ballot, and if this procedure still produces a tie, the matter is to be decided by lot.